AVS Corporate news

The AVS optics as a part of the unmanned aerial system successfully allowed to complete the project of ice exploration in the Arctic zone of Russia

2021-05-11 14:38
The AVS optics as a part of the unmanned aerial system successfully allowed to complete the project of ice exploration in the Arctic zone of Russia

The gyrostabilized optical-electronic system Polyarnik, a product of the company Aviation Auxiliary Systems, has successfully confirmed the declared characteristics as part of an unmanned aerial system in real operation.

The system has worked out fifteen flights as part of the UAS as part of the work on ice exploration in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, which was performed by the partner of AVS, JSC NPP Strela, together with the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT).

For the first time in Russia, such a voluminous layer of information about the state of snow and ice covers in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District has been obtained. Thanks to the unique technologies based on artificial intelligence embedded in the GOES Polyarnik, the researchers were able to determine the morphometric and morphological characteristics, structure, texture and physical and mechanical properties of snow and ice covers, as well as to conduct a detailed survey of the relief of the ice surface.

Radar images of the underlying surface with high resolution in various polarizations were obtained. It should be noted that the work took place both in good and difficult weather conditions.

In the line of GOES produced by AVS, apart from Polyarnik, Kolibri-LWIR/-SWIR/-UV, and Ivolga optoelectronic stations are presented. Kolibri-LWIR is designed to search for objects and men, monitoring forest fires during the day and night. Kolibri-SWIR is designed for improved vision in difficult weather conditions — snow, fog, rain — in the daytime. Kolibri-UV provides search and visualization of damage sites of conductors and insulators power lines during repair and their scheduled maintenance. The Ivolga GOES has a small mass and dimensions and provides an overview of the surrounding space in the television and thermal imaging spectra.


The main task of the Aviation Auxiliary Systems is the integration of various onboard complexes and payloads based on artificial intelligence into unmanned systems of sea and land-based. All products are promoted under the single SmartHELI brand. The established cooperation with a wide pool of partners from design bureaus to production sites, as well as close cooperation with leading scientific institutes allows the company to offer customers comprehensive solutions for the implementation of intelligent technologies in modern transport systems.